„Es gibt keine Tyranneien, die nicht versuchen, die Kunst einzuschränken, weil sie die Macht der Kunst sehen. Kunst kann der Welt Dinge sagen, die sonst nicht geteilt werden können. Kunst vermittelt Gefühle.“

- Volodymyr Selenskyj, Präsident der Ukraine

Luc Tuymans

Simulation, 2007-2014
, 403 x 600 cm
wall painting (temporary)

Since 1980, Luc Tuymans (b. 1958) has brought figuration back to painting. His trademarks are an understated painting technique, strong stylization and a cinematic approach. The subjects of the paintings are treated in a way that can turn well-known historical events into a banal motif, or conversely, elevate the everyday to universal heights. Tuymans also works in many other media (publications, graphic work, film and polaroids), and is a prolific curator as well. For El Hotel Eléctrico, he contributes an in-situ wall painting and an aquatint sketch. Taken together, these components comprise a new version of Simulation (2007). The respective work is part of a series of paintings from Forever: The Management of Magic.(http://www.davidzwirner.com/exhibition/forever-the-management-of-magic/page/3/) The entire series addresses the utopian, artificial architectural reality of Disney World.

Simulation is a many-sided piece based on three parameters. First of all, Tuymans contextualizes the motif of the circle - a geometric figure that is prominently present in Disney's architectural vision of amusement parks. Here, a work by Tommy Simoens plays an important role. Simoens' piece bases itself on a 3D preliminary text for the film Where the Wild Things Are (John Lasseter, 1983). Tuymans' starting point is thus in part the work of a fellow artist. Finally, Tuymans underscores the development process of images. He associates the cinematic process with the function of memory. For Tuymans, a stopped image (a frame) in a film induces stillness, while in the case of painting that movement is created from standstill in a single image. The whole process of Simulation is thus akin to a stroll between different media.