“Не буває тираній, які б не намагалися обмежити мистецтво, бо вони бачать його силу. Тільки мистецтво передає почуття.”

- Володимир Зеленський, Президент України

Kerry James Marshall

(c)image: Courtesy of the artist, Jack Shainman Gallery, NY, and Koplin Del Rio, CA
Brother, 1974
woodcut; ink, paper

"My brother and I are about the same age; he was just a year older than me. So we played with each other a lot; we kept each other company. We used to draw wars with each other. That was a game we played. Then we would get into drawing ray guns, when we found out about rockets and aliens and stuff like that" (Kerry James Marshall in conversation with Arthur Jafa, 2000)