"Il n’y a pas de tyrannie qui ne tente pas de limiter l’art, car elles voient le pouvoir de l’art. L’art peut dire au monde ce qui ne peut être partagé autrement. C’est l’art qui transmet des émotions et des sentiments." 

- Volodymyr Zelensky, Président de l'Ukraine

Jan Fabre

(c)Angelos bvba
Do we feel with our brain and think with our heart?, 2013

2013, Parma


'It is now three in the morning.
This time I can't sleep
because my mirror neurons are still
floating around and dancing with delight.
The whole day, during the film shoot, enjoyed
the open mind and playful performance
by the marvellous Professor Giacomo Rizzolatti.
What lovely people.
The searching and discovering man.

(Jan Fabre,Parma, 29 November 2012)