"Er bestaan geen tirannieën die niet proberen de kunst in te perken, omdat ze zien welke kracht kunst heeft. Kunst kan de wereld dingen vertellen die op een andere manier niet gedeeld kunnen worden. Kunst brengt gevoelens over."

- Volodymyr Zelensky, President van Oekraïne

Jan Fabre

(c)Angelos bvba, Collection M HKA
The Problem (Homage to Dietmar Kamper), 2001
Performance , 00:30:00

Hessen, Otzberg

Jan Fabre maakte deze film samen met de Duitse filosofen Dietmar Kamper en Peter Sloterdijk. In dit romantisch landschap duwden de drie heren een bal vooruit als mestkevers en filosofeerden over het probleem. 


'These are days of wind and ignorance.
For me an evening of inexhaustible joy.
The German philosophers Peter Sloterdijk
and Dietmar Kamper
and I, dressed in dinner jackets, were godlike
dung beetles
in a Caspar David Friedrich landscape
rolling each other's problems towards each other
and gladly making
each other's porblem bigger.
(Day of shooting film sequences for the
performance 'The Problem'.)'

(Jan Fabre, Otzberg, 8 October 2001)

'The performance I have done in the last few days
is for you, Dietmar Kamper.
Friend, I know you are going to die.
The cancer is devouring you from the inside.
I shall not exchange the rain for tears.
I shall let the wind cry in my place.
Where a man has to fail
you my friend will be the end.
A little dust and ashes
a landscape of dry fields.
Where you will
continue rolling
your globe of the world
your dung-beetle globe
your problem
you will become
an edible planet full of knowledge
that will never fade.' 

(Jan Fabre, Otzberg, 10 October 2001)