„Es gibt keine Tyranneien, die nicht versuchen, die Kunst einzuschränken, weil sie die Macht der Kunst sehen. Kunst kann der Welt Dinge sagen, die sonst nicht geteilt werden können. Kunst vermittelt Gefühle.“

- Volodymyr Selenskyj, Präsident der Ukraine

Jan Fabre

(c)Angelos bvba
A Gambling battle between a curator and an artist , 1991
Performance , 03:00:00

Jan Fabre & Jan Hoet


Tokyo, Patchinko Hall


'In the early evening flirted with the Japanese
Lady Luck again, what a woman!
Played Patchenko for hours together with Jan,
and again he couldn't stop either.
It's a hallucinatory sensation, the sound of hundreds
of thousands of small silver-coloured balls hitting
each other from different directions at high speed.
I Have always liked gambling.
The higher the stakes, the bigger the kick.
I like the sublime moment of the power decision.
I Gamble to win, but not for the winnings.
The game itself is much more fascinating,
even when one loses. The essential thing
is the tension. And the effect it has on me.
When I left I had the feeling my organs were
floating around inside my body.' 

(Jan Fabre, Tokyo, 24 May 1991)