"Er bestaan geen tirannieën die niet proberen de kunst in te perken, omdat ze zien welke kracht kunst heeft. Kunst kan de wereld dingen vertellen die op een andere manier niet gedeeld kunnen worden. Kunst brengt gevoelens over."

- Volodymyr Zelensky, President van Oekraïne

Jan Fabre

(c)Angelos bvba, photo: Patrick Sellitto
It is Kill or Cure, 1982
Performance , 01:00:00


New York, Franklin Furnace

Deze performance is opgevat als reactie op een verlaten idee. Het originele idee bestond eruit om kunstcritici te laten schieten op kunstenaars, zoals in een Russische roulette, met enkel één geweer en één kogel. De organisator stelde echter zijn veto.

'New York isn't good for me.
I get too many impressions, too many ideas
and consequently too much energy.
I want to promise myself not to do any drawings
for the next three days and not to write either.
The only thing I'm allowed to do tomorrow is
design and make a sort of mask / muzzle in leather
(as if for a dangerous dog). It's meant to stop me
eating and seeing. So I can fast, both physically
and visually, and withdraw into my imagination.
As a sort of preparation for my performance
'It is Kill or Cure', which I'm going to do at Franklin
Furnace (the last true artistic santuary in
Manhattan. With the fantastic Martha Wilson
who keeps the business running).'

(Jan Fabre, New York, 7 February 1982)

'I'm too agitated.
I change my ideas every day.
What actions will I carry out during
my performance 'It is Kill or Cure'?
I have to give a place to my dark side.
And realise that ecstasy can't be invented.
The action of the ecstasy is turned completely
in on itself.
So it's a matter of creating at the moment itself.
Improvising and surviving.'

(Jan Fabre, New York, 27 February 1982)