„Es gibt keine Tyranneien, die nicht versuchen, die Kunst einzuschränken, weil sie die Macht der Kunst sehen. Kunst kann der Welt Dinge sagen, die sonst nicht geteilt werden können. Kunst vermittelt Gefühle.“

- Volodymyr Selenskyj, Präsident der Ukraine

Jan Cox

©Courtesy Archief De Zwarte Panter, Antwerpen
As Manipulators of the Visual Arts our Understanding goes through our Eyes., 1961
Text , 3 p

This typescript is a lecture for Cox's students at the end of an academic year at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.  Here, Cox avows his support for a moral stance as the basis by which to judge art.  'Anyone with adequate technique can get away with murder,' is among his assertions.  The artist's ultimate aim is to give others a poetic raison d’être.  The first question must be 'why', then 'what', and not the 'how' that now takes precedence.

The lecture was accompanied by slides.